
Hobby blog? Travel blog? ...I guess this is a lifetime blog. Born in Berlin, living on the Canary Islands, traveled and worked in Canada and now studying in Amsterdam. Where am I ending up? I don´t know...

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

Capilano Suspension Bridge

     What an awesome weekend! ...is there another better way to spend a thanksgiving weekend? ...I don't think so: Aquario, Kitsilano and today Capilano! Today it was really amazing, yes, it took a time until we decided that we would go to Capilano Suspension Bridge, the ticket was a little bit expensive but it was completely worthwhile! ...nice nature and a breathtaking view from above the bridge down to the river. There were a lot of different things we could do, like the cliffwalk, the treetop adventure or the raptors ridge, but of course, the main attraction was the suspension bridge! Take a look at the fotos:



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