
Hobby blog? Travel blog? ...I guess this is a lifetime blog. Born in Berlin, living on the Canary Islands, traveled and worked in Canada and now studying in Amsterdam. Where am I ending up? I don´t know...

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

My last week in Canada

        This adventure is almost over... In one week I'll be taken a flight back home, I can't even believe that ten month in Canada passed so quick! Sad about leaving? Excited about going home? Both things are happening I guess, there always has to be a goodbye to start something new at a new place, in an new adventure, right? I'll just be positive about my future and thankful about the amazing ten month I spent in this country meeting all these amazing people which I can call my Friends now.
        I am also glad about having gone back to Lake Louise, not only to see some of my people again, but also to be able to see the lake melted! Yes, 9th of June, the ice finally disappeared! I was so excited about, now I can finally say goodbye to this place, even though I know that I want to come back some day... And I know that I will, at the end this place was home for me for six month!                                      




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