
Hobby blog? Travel blog? ...I guess this is a lifetime blog. Born in Berlin, living on the Canary Islands, traveled and worked in Canada and now studying in Amsterdam. Where am I ending up? I don´t know...

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013


     ...this is not about any photos I just took or something I did, this is about something that will happen, and it will happen soon! Actually it is starting tomorrow: I finally got the job I was wishing to get, I am supposed to be a Deli Attendant at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise! I am pretty happy because it is actually difficult to get a job at a Fairmont Hotel, so I am pretty proud of it! So tomorrow I am leaving Vancouver, after nearly two and a half month, first I am going for a few days to Banff, a town in the Rocky Mountains and in the National Park with the same name. Banff is one hour and a half away from Calgary, and 45 minutes from Lake Louise, where I am going to work then. My first day is on the 18th of this month, and I am pretty excited. I already have everything I need for the job: my non slippy kitchen shoes, black socks and my ProServe certificate to be able to serve liquor in Alberta! So Lake Louise, I am coming!!! 

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