
Hobby blog? Travel blog? ...I guess this is a lifetime blog. Born in Berlin, living on the Canary Islands, traveled and worked in Canada and now studying in Amsterdam. Where am I ending up? I don´t know...

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Museum of Anthropology

     This is about to be my last week in Vancity and I just took myself a few days off in order to enjoy some Canadian culture with friends... On Monday we went ice skating to the west end community centre in Downtown, that was fun! Even thought that we hadn't been skating for years! ...at least me ;) but I didn't have any problems to get into it again, actually pretty quick!  
     And yesterday I went with Tamara and a group of people from the hostel (it was a activity organized from the samesun hostel where I slept on Sunday and monday) to the Museum of Anthropology at the UBC where getting into it on Tuesday is cheaper. The museum actually seems bigger than it is! The main hall was filled with sculptures and totems from the First Nations of Canada, then there were also exhibitions about figures, jewelry, masks and more sculptures about other nations from all around the world. It was literally a journey to all the different cultures, very impressive and interesting!

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