
Hobby blog? Travel blog? ...I guess this is a lifetime blog. Born in Berlin, living on the Canary Islands, traveled and worked in Canada and now studying in Amsterdam. Where am I ending up? I don´t know...

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

Fairview Lookout

     It's true that Lake Louise offers many activities, but it is also true that most of them are just for the summer... But there are still a few trips people can make even if there is snow everywhere. For example you can rent skis, snowboards, cross country skis or snowshoes! And that's what I did, I mean I didn't rent them all at once, but I got some snowshoes and I decided to do a quick trip to the Fairview Lookout to get a nice overview from Lake Louise, Fairmont and the Bow Valley. Snowshoeing is so tiring, at least if you have to go up, the rest is easy, you just need to be careful by going down, it can be very slippy as you can't see what's under the whole amount of snow. 
     But at the end it was completely worthwhile! Such a breathtaking view thanks to the nice weather!

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